

The Donut

This little 7' donut style inflatable was purchased for $30 at a nautical flee market at our local West Marine store parking lot. It rolls up into a reasonably small package and fits in my anchor locker. The floor boards ride under the V-Berth cushions. I did not have an engine when this photo was taken so I attached my electric trolling motor to cruised around the sloughs. Since then, I purchased a small (1.5 HP) gas engine for $35 at another flee market. It rows, but not well; it motors adequately and; it stows and gets me to and from very well (and cheep - great toy ;-) Can be easily handled by one person.


The Pram

I built this 7' pram from 1/4" ply and glass 10 years ago to tow around the Canadian Coastal Islands. It row's very good; motors ok; sails poor; tows very good, but; is too heavy for me to lift onto the boat without help from some extra rigging or another person. I found that if I got caught in a rain squall, it was easier to cover it and keep going than it was to try and get it on board. Another problem with the 7' pram is that it takes up the entire foredeck. When coming into dock, its almost impossible for secure bow lines. I found it better to secure dock lines to the bow cleat before locating the pram on deck.