
World's most landlocked Triton




Kaholee belongs to Allen N. Hilburn (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) of Albuquerque, New Mexico. "I sail on Elephant Butte Reservoir in New Mexico. The lake is about 13 miles long, and about three miles wide, not counting the upper part, which is north of what we call the narrows. On your map, look south of Albuquerque, North of El Paso on I25. I do not race KAHOLEE extensively, but I do participate in our (Rio Grande Sailing Club) annual 25/50 Miler, in the 25 mile race. This year we were 9th. The race is open to all comers and scored under Portsmouth. Hard to beat those F24's and other killer race boats... My sails are kind of old though. Someone suggested setting my numbers at my age + KAHOLEE's age, + the age of my sails. Didn't think this would be a good idea. It would make us the fastest boat on the lake on paper ;-)"

Is that rectangular black thing on the stern a solar panel?

"Yes, it is hooked to both batteries through a regulator. Needless to say, with the sun here in New Mexico, the electrical system has never failed me."